Whether you’re on furlough with time to spare or juggling work and kids, there are some simple ways of helping vulnerable people this lockdown.
1. Help the homeless
As the temperature dips below freezing, London’s homeless are finding life particularly brutal. If you spot someone sleeping rough, please let Streetlink know – during very cold weather, their outreach teams can find the homeless somewhere warm and dry to sleep. Visit this link to get help for a rough sleeper or to make a donation: https://www.streetlink.london/Streetlink_London_HomePage
2. Feed people in poverty and key workers
The teams at Edible London, Food For All and Compassion London are doing amazing work at feeding vulnerable people during the crisis. They have set up base at Alexandra Palace in Haringey, with Edible London taking over the Great Hall and preparing food parcels and other essentials for hundreds of people in need and Compassion London taking over the kitchen and preparing meals for people in poverty and frontline NHS staff.
Support Edible London here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/millionmealplan
Food For All: https://foodforalluk.com/
Support Compassion London here: https://with-compassion.org/
3. Donate your time – volunteer
From food banks to vaccination centres, volunteers are playing a vital role in the response to Coronavirus.
The NHS’s biggest ever effort is underway, hoping to offer vaccinations to 13 million people by mid-February.
St John Ambulance is appealing for volunteers to help and the NHS Volunteer Responder team has steward volunteer roles. Find more info here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/join-the-nhs-covid-19-vaccine-team/#i-am-interested-in-volunteering
The NHS Volunteer Responder scheme is also keen for members of the public to volunteer to deliver medication, take neighbours to medical appointments or hold ‘check-in and chat’ phone calls. Sign up here: https://nhsvolunteerresponders.org.uk/i-want-to-volunteer
4. Help make access to learning fair
A North London mum is fundraising to buy online learning tools including repurposed laptops and tablets for children in need.
Louise Waidhofer is working with schools to reach families who would otherwise struggle with home-schooling.
Support her campaign here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/louise-waidhofer
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